Thursday, May 16, 2013 - Verify Job Alert request

Dear Candidate,

Greetings from!!

We thank you for subscribing to our Job Alert Service. Your Job Alerts will be sent on this email id:, with the following matching criteria -  
Keyword: MBA
Functional Area: , Finance, HR/PM/IR/Training, Marketing/MR/Media Planning
Experience: 0
Location: Surat
To activate your Job Alert Service, please click below and verify your email address and Job Alert Specifications
As a registered member of TimesJobs Job Alert service you can:
  • Get matching jobs directly into your inbox
  • Apply to relevant jobs before anyone else
  • Enhance your Job Search Process
Best Wishes
If you do not want to receive jobs matching the above criteria, please create a new one

You have received this mail because you have subscribed for job alert service from Please do not reply to this mail. This is an auto generated mail. Please mark all your queries / responses to

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