Sunday, May 19, 2013

Internship with Ministry of I&B, Delhi Technological University, Architecture internship, Web development internship and 3 more...

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Internships that matter 
Newsletter Issue 53

dtu.pngA paid internship opportunity as a Research Scholar for students pursuing a Masters degree in Business Administration /Management/HRM/Marketing with Delhi Technological University.

The project is called “Emotional Intelligence driven Qualitative Research”.

The last date to apply is 30th May 2013 - hurry and apply here.


For all Twitter enthusiasts – use your Twitter presence to bag this volunteering opportunity with the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India! 

 The Digital Volunteer Programme is aimed at people who are keen to use their personal social presence on different  social media platforms to talk about Government schemes and programmes.

No last date is mentioned - hurry and find more details here.

how-to-manage-your-manager.gifManagers or bosses are really nice. Really nice subjects of jokes, that is. Since it is likely that for most of you, an internship this summer will bring you in contact with your first ever boss, it is helpful to know what real bosses are like. We hope these tips help you manage all sorts of bosses, from jovial to evil dictators.

Find the article here.

Architecture/Interior Design internships

shilpa.jpgShilpa Architects is looking for a design intern, to work with the Chief Architect to conceptualize and design a range of “indo-centric” furniture, and participate in on-going architectural project.

The application deadline is 4th June 2013 - hurry and apply here.

Web Development internship with Mellon Labs

Mellon Labs is focused on building web based application that are groundbreaking yet simple.

Computer Science/IT students /graduates are invited to apply. Candidates from other disciplines are eligible if they possess exceptional programming skills.

The last date to apply is 31st May 2013 - hurry and apply here.

"I am doing something meaningful with my first salary."

Shadab Alam is Marketing Manager at Internshala. When he’s not letting the world know about the epicness that is Internshala, he is laughing so hard he annoys the neighbours and almost makes his friends homeless. Shadab carries this joviality everywhere except when it comes to his salary — he makes the decision about how to spend his first salary with utmost seriousness.  Read here.

Still looking for an internship or first job? Find out why that may be here

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