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Subject: LIC DO job for Marketing...!!
To: Mulchand Sen <>,
Posted: 22 Nov 2012 10:24 AM PST Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) Zonal Offices Published at Apprentice Development Officers (ADO) Recruitment Year : 2012-13 Online Applications are invited from eligible candidates who must be Indian Citizens for selection and appointment for 5578 posts of Apprentice Development Officers (ADO) in the jurisdiction of following 8 Zonal and various Divisional Offices in its:
Qualification : Bachelor's Degree of a University in India established under a statute or a foreign university approved for the purpose or the Fellowship of Insurance Institute of India, Mumbai. Preference may be given to those applicants who possess Masters Degree in Business Administration in Marketing or Post Graduate Diploma in Marketing from a University in India established under Statute or by an Institute approved by AICTE or a recognized Institution. Preference would be given to candidates who have at least 2 years experience in life insurance industry Age : 21-30 years as on 01/11/2012. Relaxation in age as per rules. Selection Procedure : Selection will be made on the basis of a Online Test 02/02/2013 and 03/02/2013. Application Fee : Rs. 500/- (No fee for SC/ST) by Fees Payment Challan only at any branch of State Bank of India. The receipt should be kept with yourself and should be produced at the time of written test. How to Apply : Apply Online at LIC website only from 22/11/2012 to 22/12/2012 only. Please visit for detailed zonal wise information and Fee Payment voucher along with link to the Online application form. Compiled by Sarkari-Naukri for blog for providing Government Jobs available in India. . Other Blogs are and Friendly blog is |
From ,
B.Eng (E.C.) MBA (Finance)
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